Commercial Pest Control

Best Commercial Pest Control in Northwest Arkansas Looking for the best commercial pest control company in Northwest Arkansas? Look no further than Bentonville Pest for all your NWA commercial pest control needs.

Why Choose us Leave your business to the best commercial Pest control 

Infestation by pests can be a significant issue for businesses in Northwest Arkansas. It can lead to property damage, loss of inventory, and injury to the health of employees and customers. As a business proprietor or manager, you must maintain a pest-free property to ensure a safe and healthy workplace.

Bentonville Pest is familiar with the difficulties of pest control for commercial properties and offers the best commercial pest control services in Northwest Arkansas. Here are the reasons why you should choose us for your pest control needs:

Expertise and Experience

Bentonville Pest has years of experience offering commercial pest control services to Northwest Arkansas businesses. We have a team of licensed and certified technicians who are trained to deal with all types of vermin, such as rodents, insects, and wildlife. Our technicians use cutting-edge tools and methods to identify and eradicate vermin on your property. In addition, we provide routine maintenance to keep your property pest-free.

Customized Pest Control Solutions

We recognize that each business has distinct pest control requirements. For this reason, we offer customized pest control services that are tailored to your company's specific needs. We begin with a comprehensive inspection of your property to determine the extent and species of the pest infestation. Based on our findings, we tailor a pest control program to meet the specific requirements of your business. Our vermin control strategies are designed to be efficient, effective, and ecologically sound.

Safe and Environmentally Friendly

At Bentonville Pest, we are committed to providing pest control solutions that are both safe and environmentally sustainable. Only EPA-approved products that are secure for humans and animals are utilized. Our pest control methods are designed to minimize the use of chemicals and emphasize long-term solutions and prevention. We also employ eco-friendly techniques, such as integrated pest management, to reduce the environmental impact of pest control.

24/7 Emergency Services

We recognize that pest infestations can occur anytime and that certain pests necessitate immediate action. Therefore, we offer emergency services 24/7 to our commercial consumers. Our technicians are always prepared to respond to urgent inquiries and to provide effective pest control solutions.

Affordable Prices

We offer affordable, high-quality commercial pest control services. Every business should have affordable access to high-quality pest control services. Because of this, we offer competitive prices without sacrificing service quality. We also offer complimentary estimates and consultations to assist you in making an informed decision regarding your pest control requirements.

Guaranteed Results

At Bentonville Pest, we are confident in our ability to provide effective pest control solutions. All of our services come with a satisfaction guarantee for this reason. If you are not completely satisfied with our pest control services, we will work with you to resolve the issue until you are. In addition, we provide routine maintenance to keep your property pest-free.

Bentonville Pest is committed to offering the most effective commercial pest control services in Northwest Arkansas. You can rely on us to keep your business vermin-free thanks to our expertise, experience, customized pest control solutions, safe and environmentally friendly techniques, 24/7 emergency services, affordable prices, and guaranteed results. Contact us now for a complimentary consultation and estimate.

Person in white chemical protection suit disinfecting public corridors and steps to stop spreading highly contagious corona virus.

how can bentonville pest help Our commercial Pest Control Service

You, as a business proprietor, are aware that a pest infestation can cause not only reputational harm but also significant financial loss. At Bentonville Pest, we specialize in commercial pest control services designed to protect your business from pest-related risks. Our services include:

  • Customized Pest Management Plans: Recognizing that every business is unique, we offer customized pest management plans to satisfy your company's specific needs. Our skilled technicians will conduct a comprehensive inspection of your facility, identify potential vermin problems, and devise a comprehensive plan to eliminate them effectively.
  • Prevention and Monitoring: Prevention is the key to effective vermin control. Our team will implement preventative measures and monitor your facility for pest activity indications to reduce the infestation risk. This proactive strategy ensures that any issues are identified and resolved before they become significant issues.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Approach: Our commercial pest control services use an IPM approach, which concentrates on combining multiple techniques such as biological, chemical, and physical techniques to achieve long-term pest control. This eco-friendly method not only reduces reliance on chemical treatments but also ensures the safety of your employees, customers, and the environment.
  • Industry-Specific Solutions: Bentonville Pest has experience providing pest control services to a variety of industries, including restaurants, hotels, retail stores, office structures, and industrial facilities. Our industry-specific solutions are tailored to address the specific insect problems your business faces.


Fast Relief With Same-Day Pest Services

Bentonville Pest understands that time is of the essence when addressing pest infestations. Because of this, we offer same-day pest control services to provide quick respite and minimize the disruption to your business operations. Our same-day services include:

  • Emergency Pest Control: In the event of a severe infestation, our team is prepared to respond immediately and provide emergency pest control services. We will evaluate the situation, implement immediate measures to eradicate the infestation and develop a long-term strategy to prevent future problems.
  • Rapid Response Time: Our team of local exterminators are strategically positioned throughout Northwest Arkansas to ensure quick response times. As soon as we receive your contact, we will dispatch a technician to your location to address your pest problems.
  • Thorough Inspections and Treatments: Not only are our same-day services quick, but they are also exhaustive. Our technicians will perform a thorough inspection of your property, identify the source of the infestation, and implement targeted treatments to effectively eliminate the pests.

Bentonville Pest is committed to providing the most effective commercial pest control services in Northwest Arkansas. With our customized pest management plans, prompt relief through same-day services, and dependable results from our trained exterminators, we can assist you in maintaining a vermin-free environment and protecting your business.

Do not allow pests to threaten the prosperity of your business!

Reliable Results From Trained Exterminators

Our highly experienced exterminators are the cornerstone of Bentonville Pest's success. We take pride in delivering dependable results by employing skilled and trained professionals who are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. Our exterminators:

  • Receive Ongoing Training: Our technicians participate in ongoing training and certification programs to remain abreast of the most recent industry trends, technologies, and best practices in pest control.
  • Utilize Advanced Pest Control Techniques: Bentonville Pest exterminators are equipped with the most advanced pest control tools and techniques to ensure effective and long-lasting results.
  • Adhere to Safety Standards: Our team adheres to stringent safety regulations and guidelines to ensure that our pest control remedies are not only effective but also safe for your employees, customers, and the environment.
  • Provide Expert Advice: In addition to providing superior pest control services, our exterminators can also provide expert guidance on how to keep your facility vermin-free. They will provide advice and recommendations regarding preventative measures, sanitation procedures, and other measures you can take to protect your business from vermin.
  • Offer Guaranteed Satisfaction: At Bentonville Pest, we guarantee your satisfaction with the caliber of our services. We are confident in our ability to provide dependable results, and we offer a satisfaction guarantee to ensure your complete contentment with our pest control services.

Contact Bentonville Pest today and allow us to provide the expert solutions you require to keep your business operating efficiently.

our locations Areas we service

Bentonville Pest is pleased to offer superior pest control services in a wide variety of locations. No matter where you are within our service areas, our certified, experienced technicians are prepared to assist you in securing your residence or business.

We are familiar with the unique pest problems confronted by residents and businesses in every community we serve. As a result, we customize our pest control services to satisfy the unique requirements of each client. Our commitment to providing effective, safe, and environmentally friendly pest control distinguishes us from the competition.

Contact Bentonville Pest without delay if you are experiencing pest problems or want to take preventative measures to protect your property. Contact us today to take the first step toward a pest-free environment. Request a free estimate to learn how Bentonville Pest can benefit your home or business.

Knowledgebase  How to deal with the top 6 pests in your homes

How to deal with bed bugs in your home

Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to exterminate. They are small, hard to see, and good at hiding in cracks and crevices. If you think you have bed bugs in your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. First, start by cleaning all of your bedding, clothes, and curtains.

Wash everything in hot water and dry it on the highest setting. This will kill any bed bugs that are present. Next, vacuum your mattress and furniture to remove any remaining bugs or eggs. Finally, consider hiring a professional exterminator to come and treat your home. With proper treatment, you can get rid of bed bugs for good.

How to deal with rodent pests in your home

Rodents can be a big problem in the home. They can cause damage to property, contaminate food, and spread disease. There are a few things that you can do to deal with rodent pests in your home. First, you need to identify where they are coming from and how they are getting into your home. Once you know this, you can take steps to block their entry. Second, you need to remove any food sources that they have access to. This means keeping food in sealed containers and keeping your counters and floors clean. Third, you should set up traps or bait stations to capture or kill the rodents. Finally, you should call in a professional if the problem is severe or if you are not able to resolve it on your own.

How to deal with termites pests in your home

Termites can be a serious problem for any homeowner. These pests can cause extensive damage to wood structures, and they are notoriously difficult to get rid of. If you suspect that you have a termite problem, there are a few things you can do to deal with the issue.

First, try to identify where the termites are coming from. If you can find the point of entry, you may be able to treat the problem yourself with a topical insecticide. If the infestation is more widespread, you may need to call in a professional pest control company. In either case, it is important to act quickly, as termites can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time.

How to deal with mosquito pests in your home

For many people, mosquitoes are nothing more than a nuisance. But these pests can actually pose a serious health risk, as they can transmit diseases like malaria and Zika virus. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to keep mosquitoes out of your home.

Start by eliminating any standing water, as this is where mosquitoes lay their eggs. Be sure to empty out any water that has collected in flower pots, bird baths, or rain gutters. You should also keep your windows and doors shut as much as possible, and use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors.

In addition, consider using an insect repellent when spending time in areas where mosquitoes are present. By taking these precautions, you can help to keep yourself and your family safe from these dangerous pests.

How to deal with mole pests in your home

Moles can be a major nuisance for homeowners. Not only do they damage lawns and gardens, but they can also tunnel under houses and cause structural damage. While there are a variety of ways todeal with mole pests, the most effective method is to hire a professional exterminator.

Professional exterminators have the knowledge and experience to safely and effectively eliminate mole populations. In addition, they can provide long-term pest control services that help to keep moles from returning. If you are dealing with mole pests in your home, contact a professional exterminator to discuss your options.

how to deal with flies pests in your home

Flies can be more than just a nuisance- they can also spread disease. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to reduce the fly population in your home. Start by keeping food and garbage properly sealed. Flies are attracted to the smell of food, so it's important to keep kitchen surfaces clean and free of crumbs.

You should also empty garbage cans regularly and use a tight-fitting lid. If flies are already present in your home, you can try using trap. Fill a bowl with sugar water or vinegar and cover it with plastic wrap.

Poke a few small holes in the top, and then wait for the flies to be drawn in. Once they're trapped, they won't be able to escape and will eventually perish. With a little effort, you can keep your home fly-free.

How to deal with pests in your commercial space

No one likes dealing with pests, but they can be a problem for businesses, especially those in the food industry. The good news is that there are steps you can take to deter pests from taking up residence in your commercial space.

First, keep your space clean and free of food debris. This includes sweeping and mopping floors on a regular basis, and taking out the trash regularly. You should also seal up any cracks or holes where pests could enter.

In addition, you can use pest control products like traps and baits to help keep pests at bay. By taking these simple steps, you can help to keep your business pest-free.

excellent service see real people's experience with us

We are a full-service pest control company. We serve your home or business with the best local technicians in Arkansas — see what our customers have to say.


Let us help you get rid of them for good.

Don't let pests take over your home. Pest control arkansas experts are ready to help you with your project. Contact us for more information today